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Teeth In One Day Brochure

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TeethIn One DayThis young patient had a verychallenging childhood and adolescence,and one of the casualties was hisdentition. When he and his family wereable to turn things around, we removedhis decayed and infected teeth fromboth jaws, placed nine implants, andattached fixed upper and lower hybridprostheses. He is pain-free, can eat whathe wants, and no longer hides his smile.He is amazed at the results of his life-changing treatment and is committed toroutine preventive maintenance toprovide a lifetime of oral health.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)

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Advances in dental implant design haveenabled us to restore an entire dentitionin a single day with a fixed prosthesiscalled a hybrid. For people who have losttheir teeth, or whose dentition is failing,this treatment is life-changing. In onemorning, we can remove any remainingteeth, place four to six implants, andattach a fixed prosthesis, replacing themissing teeth. People walk into our officeat 8 a.m. with loose, painful, decayed, orbroken teeth, and walk out a few hourslater with a beautiful new smile and withcomfortable, solid teeth. The processrequires only local anesthesia(“Novocaine”), although options forsedation are available. Most of ourpatients have been surprised at the lowlevel of discomfort they experienceafterward. The initial hybrid is kept inplace for 3-6 months and is thenreplaced with a stronger version, whichis meant to last for many years.TEETH IN ONE DAY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Overall, thelong-term success rate of implants thatare properly cared for is over 90% inhealthy patients.Many of our patients avoid dental caredue to fear. Although our patientstruggled to overcome a lifetime ofdental anxiety, he decided that hewanted to regain control of his healthand smile confidently again. We helpedhim transition from an unhealthy,painful and non-functional condition toa full upper jaw of attractive, permanentteeth supported by six implants. Wewere rewarded with his ongoing trustand he now regularly visits hisrestorative dentist and us for preventivemaintenance. His anxiety is gone and heloves his smile. We have performed this procedure for alarge and growing number of people. Inthis pamphlet we include several before-and-after examples of people who havebeen rewarded by their decision to moveforward. The most common reasons forloss of multiple teeth are periodontaldisease, severely decayed or brokenteeth, or breaking and decaying crownsand bridges. We always assess thepossibility of salvaging teeth and thelong-term risks and benefits of treatingand retaining teeth versus implant-based prosthetics, or “Teeth in One Day”.

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Advances in dental implant design haveenabled us to restore an entire dentitionin a single day with a fixed prosthesiscalled a hybrid. For people who have losttheir teeth, or whose dentition is failing,this treatment is life-changing. In onemorning, we can remove any remainingteeth, place four to six implants, andattach a fixed prosthesis, replacing themissing teeth. People walk into our officeat 8 a.m. with loose, painful, decayed, orbroken teeth, and walk out a few hourslater with a beautiful new smile and withcomfortable, solid teeth. The processrequires only local anesthesia(“Novocaine”), although options forsedation are available. Most of ourpatients have been surprised at the lowlevel of discomfort they experienceafterward. The initial hybrid is kept inplace for 3-6 months and is thenreplaced with a stronger version, whichis meant to last for many years.TEETH IN ONE DAY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Overall, thelong-term success rate of implants thatare properly cared for is over 90% inhealthy patients.Many of our patients avoid dental caredue to fear. Although our patientstruggled to overcome a lifetime ofdental anxiety, he decided that hewanted to regain control of his healthand smile confidently again. We helpedhim transition from an unhealthy,painful and non-functional condition toa full upper jaw of attractive, permanentteeth supported by six implants. Wewere rewarded with his ongoing trustand he now regularly visits hisrestorative dentist and us for preventivemaintenance. His anxiety is gone and heloves his smile. We have performed this procedure for alarge and growing number of people. Inthis pamphlet we include several before-and-after examples of people who havebeen rewarded by their decision to moveforward. The most common reasons forloss of multiple teeth are periodontaldisease, severely decayed or brokenteeth, or breaking and decaying crownsand bridges. We always assess thepossibility of salvaging teeth and thelong-term risks and benefits of treatingand retaining teeth versus implant-based prosthetics, or “Teeth in One Day”.

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Advances in dental implant design haveenabled us to restore an entire dentitionin a single day with a fixed prosthesiscalled a hybrid. For people who have losttheir teeth, or whose dentition is failing,this treatment is life-changing. In onemorning, we can remove any remainingteeth, place four to six implants, andattach a fixed prosthesis, replacing themissing teeth. People walk into our officeat 8 a.m. with loose, painful, decayed, orbroken teeth, and walk out a few hourslater with a beautiful new smile and withcomfortable, solid teeth. The processrequires only local anesthesia(“Novocaine”), although options forsedation are available. Most of ourpatients have been surprised at the lowlevel of discomfort they experienceafterward. The initial hybrid is kept inplace for 3-6 months and is thenreplaced with a stronger version, whichis meant to last for many years.TEETH IN ONE DAY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Overall, thelong-term success rate of implants thatare properly cared for is over 90% inhealthy patients.Many of our patients avoid dental caredue to fear. Although our patientstruggled to overcome a lifetime ofdental anxiety, he decided that hewanted to regain control of his healthand smile confidently again. We helpedhim transition from an unhealthy,painful and non-functional condition toa full upper jaw of attractive, permanentteeth supported by six implants. Wewere rewarded with his ongoing trustand he now regularly visits hisrestorative dentist and us for preventivemaintenance. His anxiety is gone and heloves his smile. We have performed this procedure for alarge and growing number of people. Inthis pamphlet we include several before-and-after examples of people who havebeen rewarded by their decision to moveforward. The most common reasons forloss of multiple teeth are periodontaldisease, severely decayed or brokenteeth, or breaking and decaying crownsand bridges. We always assess thepossibility of salvaging teeth and thelong-term risks and benefits of treatingand retaining teeth versus implant-based prosthetics, or “Teeth in One Day”.

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TeethIn One DayThis young patient had a verychallenging childhood and adolescence,and one of the casualties was hisdentition. When he and his family wereable to turn things around, we removedhis decayed and infected teeth fromboth jaws, placed nine implants, andattached fixed upper and lower hybridprostheses. He is pain-free, can eat whathe wants, and no longer hides his smile.He is amazed at the results of his life-changing treatment and is committed toroutine preventive maintenance toprovide a lifetime of oral health.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)

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TeethIn One DayThis young patient had a verychallenging childhood and adolescence,and one of the casualties was hisdentition. When he and his family wereable to turn things around, we removedhis decayed and infected teeth fromboth jaws, placed nine implants, andattached fixed upper and lower hybridprostheses. He is pain-free, can eat whathe wants, and no longer hides his smile.He is amazed at the results of his life-changing treatment and is committed toroutine preventive maintenance toprovide a lifetime of oral health.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)