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Dental Implants Brochure

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DentalImplantsWHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Finally,implants that are placed and restoredwithout rigorous planning andexecution can fail. Overall, the long-term success rate of implants that areproperly cared for is over 90%.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)

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Before AfterFirst, any teeth that need to be removedare extracted. At the time of theextraction, it is advisable to place abone graft to preserve sufficient bonefor implant placement. In some casesimplants can be placed on the day ofextraction(s).Planning for implant placement isextremely important to ensure the bestpossible long-term result. Idealplanning requires a 3-dimensional(Cone Beam) image to assess thedimensions of bone at the implant siteand to avoid damage to nerves, sinuses,or neighboring teeth. Prior to implantplacement, a precision guide isfabricated. This will be used duringimplant placement to determine theexact location, depth and angulation ofthe implant. Cone Beam imaging andguide fabrication should always bedone prior to implant placement. Insome cases additional bone or gumtissue is added before or during implantplacement.Implant placement is routinelyaccomplished using local anesthesia(“Novocaine”). Oral or intravenous (I.V.)sedation is not necessary but it is anoption for highly anxious patients. WHAT IS A DENTAL IMPLANT?Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth. Afterplacement and healing, the implant isrestored with a crown, just like a crownfor a natural tooth. The crown isconnected to the implant with aninternal screw (abutment). Multipleimplants can be used to replace severalteeth with bridgework. This is similar tobridges placed on natural teeth.If all the teeth are missing from anupper or lower jaw, implants can beused for a full-arch prosthesis. This canbe removable or fixed in placedepending on the individual’s needsand goals.Dental implants are small screwsdesigned to replace the roots of teeth.Like artificial joints, they are made ofmaterials, such as titanium, that arewell-tolerated by the body. They areused to replace one or more missingteeth. Modern dental implants havebeen used for decades and are highlypredictable when properly placed andcared for.DENTAL IMPLANT TREATMENT OPTIONSReplace One Tooth Replace Multiple Teeth Replace All TeethWHAT IS INVOLVED IN THEIMPLANT PROCESS?The implant process is painlessalthough you will feel mild to moderatepressure at times. Afterward, there maybe sutures around the implant(s).Depending on your specific situation,these may be dissolvable or they mayneed to be removed 1-2 weeks later.There is usually mild pain after yourappointment, which in most cases ismanaged with non-narcotic analgesicslike Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol(acetaminophen). Most people aresurprised at how easy the appointmentand aftermath are, and usually return towork the next day.Once implants are placed, they mustfuse to the jaw (“integrate”) for 6-12weeks, depending on the quality of thebone and overall treatment plan. Afterthe implant surgeon verifies that theyhave integrated, the restorative dentistfabricates the final crown, bridge, orfull-arch prosthesis. In some cases atemporary version of these may beplaced on the same day as implantplacement.

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Before AfterFirst, any teeth that need to be removedare extracted. At the time of theextraction, it is advisable to place abone graft to preserve sufficient bonefor implant placement. In some casesimplants can be placed on the day ofextraction(s).Planning for implant placement isextremely important to ensure the bestpossible long-term result. Idealplanning requires a 3-dimensional(Cone Beam) image to assess thedimensions of bone at the implant siteand to avoid damage to nerves, sinuses,or neighboring teeth. Prior to implantplacement, a precision guide isfabricated. This will be used duringimplant placement to determine theexact location, depth and angulation ofthe implant. Cone Beam imaging andguide fabrication should always bedone prior to implant placement. Insome cases additional bone or gumtissue is added before or during implantplacement.Implant placement is routinelyaccomplished using local anesthesia(“Novocaine”). Oral or intravenous (I.V.)sedation is not necessary but it is anoption for highly anxious patients. WHAT IS A DENTAL IMPLANT?Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth. Afterplacement and healing, the implant isrestored with a crown, just like a crownfor a natural tooth. The crown isconnected to the implant with aninternal screw (abutment). Multipleimplants can be used to replace severalteeth with bridgework. This is similar tobridges placed on natural teeth.If all the teeth are missing from anupper or lower jaw, implants can beused for a full-arch prosthesis. This canbe removable or fixed in placedepending on the individual’s needsand goals.Dental implants are small screwsdesigned to replace the roots of teeth.Like artificial joints, they are made ofmaterials, such as titanium, that arewell-tolerated by the body. They areused to replace one or more missingteeth. Modern dental implants havebeen used for decades and are highlypredictable when properly placed andcared for.DENTAL IMPLANT TREATMENT OPTIONSReplace One Tooth Replace Multiple Teeth Replace All TeethWHAT IS INVOLVED IN THEIMPLANT PROCESS?The implant process is painlessalthough you will feel mild to moderatepressure at times. Afterward, there maybe sutures around the implant(s).Depending on your specific situation,these may be dissolvable or they mayneed to be removed 1-2 weeks later.There is usually mild pain after yourappointment, which in most cases ismanaged with non-narcotic analgesicslike Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol(acetaminophen). Most people aresurprised at how easy the appointmentand aftermath are, and usually return towork the next day.Once implants are placed, they mustfuse to the jaw (“integrate”) for 6-12weeks, depending on the quality of thebone and overall treatment plan. Afterthe implant surgeon verifies that theyhave integrated, the restorative dentistfabricates the final crown, bridge, orfull-arch prosthesis. In some cases atemporary version of these may beplaced on the same day as implantplacement.

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Before AfterFirst, any teeth that need to be removedare extracted. At the time of theextraction, it is advisable to place abone graft to preserve sufficient bonefor implant placement. In some casesimplants can be placed on the day ofextraction(s).Planning for implant placement isextremely important to ensure the bestpossible long-term result. Idealplanning requires a 3-dimensional(Cone Beam) image to assess thedimensions of bone at the implant siteand to avoid damage to nerves, sinuses,or neighboring teeth. Prior to implantplacement, a precision guide isfabricated. This will be used duringimplant placement to determine theexact location, depth and angulation ofthe implant. Cone Beam imaging andguide fabrication should always bedone prior to implant placement. Insome cases additional bone or gumtissue is added before or during implantplacement.Implant placement is routinelyaccomplished using local anesthesia(“Novocaine”). Oral or intravenous (I.V.)sedation is not necessary but it is anoption for highly anxious patients. WHAT IS A DENTAL IMPLANT?Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth. Afterplacement and healing, the implant isrestored with a crown, just like a crownfor a natural tooth. The crown isconnected to the implant with aninternal screw (abutment). Multipleimplants can be used to replace severalteeth with bridgework. This is similar tobridges placed on natural teeth.If all the teeth are missing from anupper or lower jaw, implants can beused for a full-arch prosthesis. This canbe removable or fixed in placedepending on the individual’s needsand goals.Dental implants are small screwsdesigned to replace the roots of teeth.Like artificial joints, they are made ofmaterials, such as titanium, that arewell-tolerated by the body. They areused to replace one or more missingteeth. Modern dental implants havebeen used for decades and are highlypredictable when properly placed andcared for.DENTAL IMPLANT TREATMENT OPTIONSReplace One Tooth Replace Multiple Teeth Replace All TeethWHAT IS INVOLVED IN THEIMPLANT PROCESS?The implant process is painlessalthough you will feel mild to moderatepressure at times. Afterward, there maybe sutures around the implant(s).Depending on your specific situation,these may be dissolvable or they mayneed to be removed 1-2 weeks later.There is usually mild pain after yourappointment, which in most cases ismanaged with non-narcotic analgesicslike Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol(acetaminophen). Most people aresurprised at how easy the appointmentand aftermath are, and usually return towork the next day.Once implants are placed, they mustfuse to the jaw (“integrate”) for 6-12weeks, depending on the quality of thebone and overall treatment plan. Afterthe implant surgeon verifies that theyhave integrated, the restorative dentistfabricates the final crown, bridge, orfull-arch prosthesis. In some cases atemporary version of these may beplaced on the same day as implantplacement.

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DentalImplantsWHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Finally,implants that are placed and restoredwithout rigorous planning andexecution can fail. Overall, the long-term success rate of implants that areproperly cared for is over 90%.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)

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DentalImplantsWHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IDECIDE NOT TO PROCEEDWITH IMPLANT THERAPY?Once teeth are lost, there is inevitablyatrophy (loss) of bone and gum tissue.This can lead to sunken lips and cheeksand wrinkles, giving you an olderappearance. Neighboring teeth may tipinto the space and reduce yourchewing function. Your remaining teethmay fracture due to the increasedbiting force they will sustain. Futureplacement of implants may becompromised as the bone progressivelyatrophies.ARE THERE DRAWBACKS TOIMPLANTS?For most people, implants are the bestavailable method for replacing missingteeth. Unlike natural teeth, they cannotdecay. However, they can develop gumdisease (“peri-implantitis”), just liketeeth. So they must be maintained withoral hygiene and dental check-ups.People who clench or grind their teethcan break implant components, so theyshould wear a bite guard. Finally,implants that are placed and restoredwithout rigorous planning andexecution can fail. Overall, the long-term success rate of implants that areproperly cared for is over 90%.Seacoast Periodontics & Dental Implants185 Cottage Street, Suite 2Portsmouth, NH 03801(603)